Study in Australia


Student Guardian visa (subclass 580) allows you to stay in Australia:

  • as the guardian of an international student younger than 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa
  • in exceptional circumstances, as the guardian of an international student over 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa.​


You might be able to get this visa if you:

  • are a parent or person who has legal custody of the student, or a relative who is nominated by a parent or custodian of the student
  • are at least 21 years of age
  • have no family members younger than 6 years of age, except under certain circumstances
  • are able to provide accommodation, general welfare and other support to the student.

About this Visa

The Student Guardian visa (subclass 580) is a temporary visa for a person who needs to come to Australia to provide care and support for:

  • a student visa holder who is younger than 18 years of age
  • a student visa holder who is older than 18 years of age and who needs such care and support due to exceptional circumstances.

You can apply in or outside Australia by post or in person. You cannot apply online.

There can only be one Student Guardian visa holder at any given time in respect of a particular student visa holder (except in certain limited circumstances).

If you apply in Australia, you must be in Australia to be granted the visa.

If you apply outside Australia, you must be outside Australia to be granted the visa.

What this Visa Lets You Do

    1. Stay in Australia for the same length of time as the student visa holder in respect of whom you hold this visa (the ‘nominating student’), or until the nominating student turns 18 years of age.
    2. If you have lodged your application on or after 24 March 2012, you can study in Australia for up to 20 hours per week in an English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS).
    3. Study in a course other than ELICOS in Australia for up to three months.

Before You Apply

If you are the student visa holder’s parent or have legal custody, you can apply for this visa to come to Australia with the student. If you are not the student visa holder’s parent or legal custodian, that person must nominate you as the student’s guardian.

Your passport

If you plan to get a new passport, you should do so before applying for your visa. Your visa is linked to the passport number you use in your application and you must use the same passport to travel to Australia.

No further stay condition

You cannot apply for this visa if you already hold another visa that has a ‘No further stay’ condition.

Contact us if you are not sure whether your current visa conditions prevent you from applying for a further visa while you are in Australia.

Australia Tourist Visas

  • Australia Higher Education Sector visa (subclass 573)Australia Higher Education Sector visa (subclass 573) Streamlined visa processing for this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating education provider. You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is a Advanced diploma, Bachelor degree or a Masters by coursework.
    Read More
  • Australia Postgraduate Research Sector visa (subclass 574)Streamlined visa processing for this visa is designed for international students applying to study in Australia at a participating university. You may be eligible for streamlined visa processing if your main course of study is a Masters degree by research or a Doctoral degree.Read More
  • Student Guardian visa (subclass 580)as the guardian of an international student younger than 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa in exceptional circumstances, as the guardian of an international student over 18 years of age studying in Australia on a student visa.​Read More
  • Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485)This visa is for international students who have recently graduated from an Australian educational institution. It lets you work in Australia temporarily after you have finished your studies.​​Read More
  • Training and Research visa (subclass 402)The Training and Research visa (subclass 402) is for people who want to come to Australia on a temporary basis to participate in occupational training, observe or participate in research as a visiting academic, or participate in a professional development program.Read More

  • Opera House Sydney

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